What documents to bring to your first Celebrant Meeting
The Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) must be receipted by your celebrant at least one month prior to the wedding. (It can be received up to 18 months before the wedding). I will provide you with a copy of this form.
To complete the NOIM I will need to sight original documentation which establishes who you are ─ evidence of your date and place of birth and of your identity. If you have been married before it is necessary for me to verify the circumstances that brought about the end of that marriage.
So please bring to the first meeting, as appropriate, the documents listed below. (We can discuss any delays or problems accessing documents. It is helpful if you can raise these as early as possible).
- Your original Birth Certificate (apply for one here if you were born in NSW. Or apply to the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages in your state, linked from this Australian Government page ). If you were born overseas and don’t have your Birth Certificate, your passport will need to be sighted.
- Photographic proof of identity – e.g. a driver’s licence or Australian Passport
- If you are divorced I must sight your Divorce Decree Absolute, or the legal equivalent for overseas termination.
- If you have been widowed, I must view the Death Certificate of the deceased spouse.
NB A current or expired passport is suitable. A cancelled passport is not suitable.