Changing my name after marriage
If you were married in Australia a formal Change of Name (like the old ‘deed poll’) is not required if you wish to take your spouse’s name. I will issue you with your Certificate of Marriage. However, to change your name details with the sort of agencies listed below you will usually require a certified copy of your marriage certificate, available from 2 to 6 weeks after the wedding. The process is as follows:
Once I have registered your marriage with the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (NSW) shortly after the wedding (within 14 days), you can apply to that agency for a certified copy of your Marriage Certificate. This is an official copy of the marriage registration. (You also have the option to buy a commemorative certificate to keep as a memento). Apply (online here) shortly after the wedding,
Once you have received your standard Marriage Certificate, personal documentation—such as your driver’s licence and passport—can be changed to your married surname when you present your Standard Marriage Certificate. The NSW government link to this information is here.
Here are some of the documents and agencies to consider that may need your married name:
• Wills
• Drivers licence
• Passport
• Car registration/ insurance
• Electoral Office
• Australian Tax Office
• Credit cards Bank, Building Society, Credit Union,
• Investment accounts
• Insurance policies/Superannuation (beneficiary change may be required)
• Mortgages, rental agreements
• Council Rates
• Utility bills
• Library card
• Government agencies
• Memberships: health clubs, local clubs, frequent flyer, etc.
• Doctor, dentists, health care professionals
• Blood donor card
• Accountant, solicitor, etc
• Work – personnel office for pay slips, taxes, super.