Rehearsals Amplification Arrival Times Celebrant Outfit Photo Etiquette Signing Furniture Legal Requirements Witnesses Relationship Resources Name Changing
The things to consider when planning your ceremony can seem endless. Rest assured, they’re not! You may find answers to many of your questions here.
I’ve also prepared a step by step guide to what to expect at your wedding, commitment and renewal ceremonies (this link).
Browse through this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section to find answers to questions about a wide range of themes. Feel free to call me or email at any time.
Do we need a rehearsal?
Yes. It would be a rare event that doesn’t require a rehearsal. We will go through the ceremony as prepared, the ‘flow’ or choreography, the timing, audio (including working out how to accommodate guests with special needs), and the needs of the photographer. Going through the ceremony with you and other other participants the day before the ceremony will put your mind at ease. This planning will also make it easier to accommodate last minute contingencies, eg participating guests who arrive on the day and may need my attention.
Is amplification of the ceremony necessary?
Yes, in almost all settings. If this is not provided by the venue I will bring a PA system which will suit the ceremony, as it is essential that guests and witnesses are able to hear the announcement of vows. You will probably need to speak into a microphone.
If any of the guests have impaired hearing please let me know. We will aim to make arrangements (eg ensuring the seating is favourable) so that they have the best opportunity to hear the ceremony.
When should we arrive? When does the celebrant arrive?
You can decide on the time of your wedding party’s arrival. We will ideally have rehearsed the flow of the ceremony the previous day with all the participants.
However, if some participants in the ceremony can only arrive on the day it is helpful for allowance to be made for me to discuss the flow and their role with them, to make sure they are clear and comfortable with the planned proceedings.
On the day of the ceremony, I plan to arrive 40 minutes before the scheduled start of the ceremony. I aim to allow for a 20 -30 minute delay in the start in the event that we need to accommodate late arrivals.
Where do we sign the certificates?
I can supply a table and chairs for signing certificates where these are not supplied by the venue. Of course not all Blue Mountains locations accommodate furniture, so we can work creatively to find the perfect solution.
Once certificates have been signed on the day the presentation of the certificate to the couple is generally the moment when the ceremony concludes. We will face the gathering and I will announce the presentation and congratulate you. This is a very happy moment and your photographer will be alert to this!
What style of celebrant?
My presentation style is warm and welcoming, professional and friendly. Having worked as an having been an ABC broadcaster for 7 years I am very familiar with the need to be perfectly prepared, but to also be prepared to go with the ‘magic of the moment’. Click here to learn more about your celebrant.

The ceremony is your day, and the celebrant has the privilege to officiate. I will provide you with a portfolio of possible outfits to ensure that your ceremony leaves the visual impression you want from of the effort you put into the preparations for your day.
What is contemporary photography etiquette?
The choice of who takes photographs on the day is your call. There are pros and cons to consider.
You may intend to employ a professional photographer or appoint a family member or friend to photograph the ceremony. Guests may also take photos unless you prefer that they did not.
The range of angles and perspectives from guests using phone cameras can add to the record of day – mind you that means they may post on social media before you get a chance to see the image. You can request that they send the images to you or an ‘editor’ before posting.
Having someone in the role of official photographer limits the number of people aiming to position themselves for the best shot at your ceremony. You may want to make sure your guests are ‘in the moment’ with you, but you may miss getting a record of spontaneous moments.
You can choose to let your guests know your choice, and ask for their cooperation for a guest photography-free ceremony (or reception). You may ask for guests to send any image they want to post to X before posting (a member of the official party perhaps).
Whatever your choice, I can mention this at the outset, to reinforce what you may wish to note in the invitation correspondence.
Who brings signing furniture?
I can supply a table and chairs for signing certificates where these are not supplied by the venue. Of course not all Blue Mountains locations accommodate furniture, so we can work creatively to find the perfect solution.
Once certificates have been signed on the day the presentation of the certificate to the couple is generally the moment when the ceremony concludes. We will face the gathering and I will announce the presentation and congratulate you. This is a very happy moment and your photographer will be alert to this!
What are the legal requirements for marriage in Australia?
- The Notice of Intended Marriage must be completed and received by me at least one calendar month prior to the ceremony. I will prepare the document and witness your signatures. It is required that I also sight your original birth certificates or passports. If either party has been previously married then I need to sight an original Divorce Certificate or Death Certificate.
- Generally both parties must be over 18 years of age.
- You don’t have to be an Australian Citizen or Resident to marry in Australia.
Getting Documentation: to obtain a copy of your NSW Birth Certificate or NSW Death Certificate of your former spouse contact the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages. If you require a copy of your Divorce Certificate or Decree Absolute, contact the Family Law Court in the state in which the marriage was dissolved. For further details visit Family Law Courts. * If parties born overseas do not have a passport and are unable to obtain a full birth certificate, I can prepare a statutory declaration for your execution.* Foreign language documents must be translated into English and a NAATI accredited Translation Certificate supplied.
Who can ‘witness’ a wedding?
A wedding ceremony must be ‘witnessed’ by two people aged at least eighteen. (If they do not speak or understand English, an interpreter will be required). These ‘witnesses’ will be required to sign all three copies of the marriage certificate signed by the couple at the wedding.
Do we have to attend pre-marital counselling or courses?
There is no requirement to attend any pre-marital counselling or courses before you marry. I am required to provide you with a copy of a brochure prepared by the Attorney General’s Department titled Happily Ever Before and After.
If you would like information about personal and relationship services and resources, please ask. You can raise any specific interests or needs in this area (you can phone me if you’d prefer). I’ll do my best to help you access the most appropriate resources. It really is a good idea to be proactive in dealing with personal and relationship matters.
Relationships Australia is one service that can be accessed right across Australia via 1300 364 277 or You can download their brochure on building relationships here partners-a-guide-to-successful-relationships
In addition a range of services exist at various locations. I have prepared a Blue Mountains brochure which is available on request. It includes link addresses for a broad range of online resources. Visit my facebook page for links to some of these.
Name Changing
Additional information on Change of Name can be found here.
To keep or to change?
This is and always has been a matter of choice. The tradition of a wife taking a husband’s surname is increasingly given careful consideration, rather than being accepted as inevitable. If you choose to change your name the process is outlined below.
Changing your name after marriage
If you were married in Australia a formal Change of Name is not required if you wish to take your spouse’s name. The process is as follows:
Once I have registered your marriage with the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (NSW) shortly after the wedding (within 14 days), you can apply for a standard Marriage Certificate. This is an official copy of the marriage registration and is often used to help establish a person’s identity. (When you apply for a standard Marriage Certificate, you also have the option to buy a commemorative certificate to keep as a memento). Apply (online here) shortly after the wedding,
Once you have receieved your standard Marriage Certificate, usually personal documentation, such as your driver’s licence and passport, can be changed to your married surname when you provide present your Standard Marriage Certificate. The NSW government link to this information is here.